How to get rid of Fruit Flies
Close friends know that I am paranoid about fruit flies getting into my drinks. So much so, that I am constantly putting things on top of my drink to cover it; from my dirty cell phone to napkins, plates, books, anything… I no longer let my kids have real pumpkins for Halloween and the only fruit we have has to stay in the refrigerator.
Having this fruit fly phobia, I have discovered a trick to completely get rid of fruit flies in my home. After many requests, here is my secret!
Prevent Eggs from Hatching
Clean ALL drains with InVade BioDrain Gel. This includes your kitchen sinks, dishwasher overflow, bathroom sinks, showers, bathtubs and laundry room sinks. Cleaning all drains will keep eggs from hatching. InVade BioDrain Gel can be purchased on Amazon and is by far the best drain cleaner that I have used for fruit flies.
To clean: Run hot water down drains for a minute or two to clear it out. Pour the gel down the drain and wait a couple minutes before rinsing.
Set traps
Put traps in any room that has fruit flies. I usually have 2 traps in my kitchen and one in any bathroom that needs it. The homemade traps work significantly better than any that I have purchased in the past.
The Recipe
A Clear Glass Cup
Plastic Wrap
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dish Soap
Take your glass cup and pour about an inch or two’s worth of apple cider vinegar. Put a couple drops of dish soap in the apple cider vinegar and add a splash of water to mix it in. (This makes their wings sticky so they can’t get out.) Then, cover the glass with plastic wrap. Hold the plastic wrap tight and poke little holes in the top with a toothpick. I typically do about 10-15 holes depending on how big the glass cup is.
If you do all of this and still have fruit flies a couple days later, clean your drains again.
Try it out? Let us know how it worked!